We don’t believe in different content for everybody.
We believe in the most interesting content for anybody.
Every single thought, idea and vision has a home on Panjea.
All creativity is welcome here.

Every 24 hours Panjea automatically generates a reward pool of coins that is distributed BACK to the contributors:

If a creator's content is viewed

If a creator's content is linked

If a network node processes content viewing

If engineers design new ways to view and explore content

If a creator remixes, takes inspiration from or re-edits existing content

Creators can earn revenue through multiple channels within the 24 hour rewards cycle:
Through Every
Single View
Forget likes, endorsements and shares. Content creators on Panjea are paid a set amount of PANJ for every single view or play.
Through Content Curation
Panjea isn't about algorithms. Users are free to increase the prominence of any piece of content by spawning or strengthening links - increasing potential engagement and taking a share on the content reward pool.

Putting the power of technology back in the hands of the people.
Panjea's users, Engineers, and Nodes control the Network - Effectively being run by the many, not by the few.
Panjea will be built on Aleph Zero.
Aleph Zero is a privacy-enhancing, eco-friendly, Proof-of-Stake public blockchain built for enterprise, Web 3.0, and DeFi use-cases.
Due to its near instant finality, high transaction capacity and super cheap transaction fees - it is the perfect match for Panjea’s busy social media platform.
With Aleph Zero's private smart contract capabilities, Panjea has the chance to KYC its users, proving they are real people without having to share or even access that data publicly.
After an initial launch period, Panjea plans to adapt the MVP in response to user feedback and market reports.
We will produce our MVP iN distinct stages:
Build a Map of
Human Imagination
and Creativity
Seeds are building blocks of Panjea - from which other ideas can grow and flourish. Each seed is connected to the overall network based on its relationships to other seeds. Although our initial seed types include text, short video, audio, text, instant messaging and apps (from key partners) - the scope exists to evolve our building blocks into the foundations of new digital economies.
Beta Release with
Early Adopters and
Selected Users
Prior to Panjea being made publicly available using the final Tokenomics, we will incentivise a range of users in different artistic sectors to add content to the network by airdropping coins to kickstart the economy. On day one gateways and seed metadata will be browsable by everyone, with seeds only browsable for users with subscriptions.
Full Public Release
More content formats will be made available to users with the introduction of variable posting fees, including long form video formats. Users will be able to chart curated maps through the galleries and soundscapes of Panjea – receiving a commission for their musical playlists, gallery tours and hosted chat. The app market will be opened for submissions, allowing Panjea to review technology and approve for listing on the site.
Marketplace Released
and Further Revenue
Options are provided for creators to further collateralise their content. Users can gift or offer further patronage to content producers. Seed revenue can be sold as a growing concern. Shops are made available through the app shop alongside ride shares and house shares.